Treats Jaundice
Improves Appetite, Digestion and Assimilation Processes.
Promotes weight gain
prevents and treats viral Hepatitis
Alcoholic live diseases and liver damage.
Acts as an adjuvant during prolonged ...
Effective for Jaundice , Fatty Liver and Dyspepsia
Effective for liver disorder
Exhibits anti-inflammatory activities
Regulates the levels of liver enzymes
Maintains the functions of liver cells
Antioxidant ...
Treats Jaundice
Improves Appetite, Digestion and Assimilation Processes.
Promotes weight gain
prevents and treats viral Hepatitis
Alcoholic live diseases and liver damage.
Acts as an adjuvant during prolonged ...
Effective for Jaundice , Fatty Liver and Dyspepsia
Exhibits anti-inflammatory activity
Helps Regulate the levels of liver enzymes
Helps maintain the functions of liver cells
Antioxidant properties
Protects ...